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Sweat and smile
2016-09-05 11:02 HuTao 

  Today is the second day of military training.With a little nervousness and cheer, we set feet on the playground.To my surprise,the trainers were very strict today.I felt a little stressed at first,but after a while,I calmed down and put myself into it.

  The morning sun glared sinisterly, we repeatedly adjusted the military position in the open air without any shade on the playground, the sweat kept flowing down. Although it was very hard, no one wanted to give up.We insist on completing every movement until the trainer showed his smile.

  In the afternoon,we learned a song"Green Flower in the army",which was very lyrical.It reminded me of a proverb:We wish each other a long life so as to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight, even though miles apart.

  I hope that the future of military training will be more colorful!
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